Wednesday, February 23, 2011

grocery yummies

Ok so I haven't gotten to eat out at any restaurants in the past couple days total BUMMER :( but I have been able to indulge in stuff I buy at Food Land like the following:
Don't know why its not straightened but anyways this is my new secret crush lol I can eat this bad boy in one sitting w/one BIG glass of milk lol

Have you tasted it??
Oh if you haven't you don't know what your missing :)

Today I was perusing through the store trying to figure out  what I was going to make for dinner. I came across the clearance section and saw some pasta. I LOVE TORTELLINI and when I saw a package I couldn't resist especially because it was only $2.50
I made some garlic alfredo sauce to compliment the pasta and it was a MATCH made in HEAVEN :) I felt like I was @ Bravo's if only there was garlic rolls lol 

Happy eating yall ;)


  1. Oh Ina, I'm so glad you've got a blog. Especially when you have all the special hook ups on the best eating grind ;)

  2. Yummmmy, and can we go to Bravo's again when I come back to visit? I'm going to try that keebler cheesecake cookie thing.
